March 8, 2025March 7, 2025Administration Two New Trustees It’s been three years since we’ve introduced a new Trustee. As such, it’s high time to bring in some new blood: Charles […]
March 7, 2025March 7, 2025Administration Charter Amended In a unanimous vote of the Trustees, the Simming Prize Charter is hereby amended as follows: “B) ProgrammerThe Programmer shall be responsible […]
February 16, 2022February 4, 2025Administration New Charter Approved The following Charter was approved by a unanimous vote of the Trustees. This document shall serve as the governing authority for the […]
February 16, 2022February 4, 2025Administration Administrative Changes “Trustees should remove trustees, staff, or judges who are not fulfilling their duty or who are violating the trust of the Simming Prize.” In […]
February 10, 2018December 2, 2022Administration Simming Prize Handbook Revision January 2018 Thank you for serving with the Simming Prize. Your work here will lead to a wonderful result – rewarding the best within […]