2022 Simming Prize Winners

Ken Gillis of Independence Fleet

With an illustrious career spanning decades in multiple groups and roles, the breadth of his accomplishments is unrivaled. From both his and simming’s early days as founder of Pi Fleet, Administrator of RolePlayerUSA, and the 11th President of the Simming League to more recently as Executive Officer of Independence Fleet, Chair of FallFest, and serving as a board member at multiple organizations, his selfless efforts to positively impact to the broader community are exactly what we need today.

DFA Cromwell of Star Trek: Borderlands

A hybrid sim set in an original science fiction fantasy world, Mudwater PD hits all the right notes while still pushing boundaries.  A diverse group of writers, seemingly effortlessly playing off the many twists and turns of each other, constantly push the story in unexpected yet believable directions.  Each post is expertly crafted, almost a story in and of itself, but yet still a perfect fit within the whole.

USS Potemkin: To Boldly Roll of Obsidian Fleet

A new sim that has revolutionized the concept of online role playing, it combines aspects of a traditional play-by-post game with an entertaining and downright hilarious podcast. Even more, it has balanced being an extremely fun sim to be a part of as a player while simultaneously providing an interesting and engaging experience for non-members to listen to. The innovation of achieving excellence in two different sectors that come together flawlessly as one is something to behold.