2024 Simming Prize Winners

Ametheliana of Star Army

The consummate team player, Ametheliana does all the little things behind the scenes to make things work while never seeking credit or the limelight herself. A member of Star Army for years, she has hosted various sims and supported many others. She has also worked tirelessly within the greater community at the Tournament of Simulations, Ongoing Worlds, and multiple conventions–ensuring that they all went off without a hitch, allowing others to take the glory.

Obsidian Command of Obsidian Fleet

A high-quality and prolific sim, Obsidian Command has done it all. Boasting three Tournament of Simulations awards, including the top overall prize at the 2022 competition, and multiple awards from her home club, including for outstanding mission and outstanding creativity, the sim is widely recognized for its excellence by all who analyze it. The richness of its characters and the originality of its episodes serve as the foundation for making this sim one for the ages.

RPG Writing

A long-time club that reformed several years ago after a brief hiatus, RPG Writing has lived up to its mission to serve as a multi-genre haven for players to write creatively. Through a robust, but not constraining set of bylaws, they have instituted the perfect environment to foster maximum imagination without needless drama. RPG Writing has been so successful that other groups have begun to imitate their model–both the administrative and being multi-genre–a true testament to their effectiveness.

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